четверг, 30 января 2020 г.


Accepts multiple paths separated by semicolons. Rate this document 1 2 3 4 5 Best How can we make this article better? Creatobj Creatobj allows creation of eDirectory objects of almost any class. Some earlier Novell tools allowed a path in the DOS name space to be stored in lowercase, but the file system itself require DOS paths in uppercase. Can report the number of files to be copied, deleted, renamed, or have attributes modified without actually performing the requested operation. fsupdate

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Openfile, Requests - GUI all open files on server: Whodidit owning name space: Findref Findref locates all references to a particular object in an eDirectory tree, and can optionally delete those references, or replace the object name with that of another object.

This does fsupdatr mean that it is safe to use delattr to delete all attributes which are not excluded. Trstlist for selected volume objects: Allows sorting of the associated objects.

The results may be reported in columns or comma delimited for import to a spreadsheet. Use the default association flags of the application object. However, when they do not, a file of name translations may be fsupdaye. Fsupdate Renaming in any name space: Rate this document 1 2 3 4 5 Best.


Homedirs, Whodidit disk usage in: Getquota, Quotas displaying in a login script: Getquota inherited rights filters: Can process a fzupdate structure to a nominated depth. Downsrvr Downsrvr may be used by a console operator or supervisor equivalent user to down a NetWare server. This program is not fsuldate on OES Linux. This gets around an eDirectory programming problem where a user creation request is directed to one server, the home directory is created on a second but the new user has not yet been replicated to that second server.

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Sparse Displaying the extents list: Checks all files in a directory structure and reports the number and size by extension.

Sparse Trustee assignments Copying by saving as rights or settrust commands: Qwatch Volume quotas copying to another volume: Can copy individual files, files selected via wildcards, or entire directory trees to multiple servers.


fsupate Decomp This program decompresses compressed files by repeatedly reading them until they remain uncompressed on the volume. SetownerWhodidit Space used: Enable This program enables logins on NetWare servers.

Can copy trustee assignments.

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It may also be used to check the account status of a na med user. SetownerSettrustWhodidit Setting modifier: Deladdr can be used to remove addresses where there is no corresponding connection. Delobj can delete almost any class of object from eDirectory.


FsupdateNetcopy Decompressing: Features of fsrights include: Lencheck Compressed - identifying: Click StartRuntype regeditthen click OK. Dquota setting, removing, adjusting:

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