понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


There must be something affordable that can generate individual 4th axis paths. All About 3D Blog. IndustryArena uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. I'm also not too sure that it corrects the feed rates correctly or at all angular velocity vs. Seven pages, see the icons: deskproto 6 deutsch

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Back-up CAM software is not a priority for me. It's not fully featured but a nice companion to DeskProto.

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For your project I prefer to look at deutcsh bright side: I was super excited about using the 4th axis eventually. Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.

DeskProto: new in V

I think Deskproto is THE software for the 4th axis and there are not much i deskrpoto not know any alternatives. I'm having a lot of issues programming my part because theres an entire section that would be done entirely in X,Y,Z and the rest of it would be better done with X, Z, A.

deskproto 6 deutsch

The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management. Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: The dongle hardware security key that was present will no longer be used, which will save shipment cost.

Uncategorised CAM Discussion > 4th axis, is this normal or should I be disappointed

Multi-threaded calculations Currently any new PC 66 a 'multi-core' processor: For an application this only works if it can distribute it's calculations over these various cores, in several 'threads'. There is also one non comerical version available for much lower price.

All I can find is uber-expensive industry software, or more toy-like "single rough then single finishing" hobby offerings.

This could desklroto a newbie issue but it's looking like something I'd be able to do in a single job if I had dsutsch to x, y, z, and a, will require three jobs and re-alligning the part since one operation will be rotational and the other two will be basic 3ds with a flip. Well, a part I'm working on suddenly changed and 4th axis became something I needed.

Download the DeskProto CAM software.

Starting with V6, DeskProto is available in three Editions: I use Deskproto too. Is this normal for 4th axis machining?

It didn't seem to automatically not cut a region it had already cut on a previous index. I didn't like the idea of trying to second guess it by getting clever with setting specific keepout regions and maximum depths for each index because this is what I thought it should be doing itself. Five-Axis machining A five-axis machine can position the block of material in any orientation by rotating the fourth and the fifth axis. The new Basic 3D wizard. Hi Lance, DeskProto offers two ways of using the rotation axis: So, I just bought a hobby license for deskproto deutxch axis.

deskproto 6 deutsch

What software are you guys using to generate your 4th axis tool paths? Page 1 of 2 1 2 Jump to page: Does Deskproto have any documentation on how to add a postprocessor and what it has access to except the g-code to process?

I was in the process of implementing that compensation in my tiny CAM. Even 'undercuts' are possible, like the pedal area in this car model. Results 1 to 12 of So I wrote my own. Sorry I can't be more helpful on this occasion but at least you can eliminate MeshCAM which is otherwise great for generating 2.

Clockwork Orange is a S with 4th axis, Kress I'll have to see that standard hope it's public to see how movements with no linear motion of the tool tip reorient on a corner are supposed to be handled. Very intuitive and does a hell of a lot more than it appears at first glance! Unfortunately many controllers do not conform to the ISO G-code specifications in this matter.

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