воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


It is easy to lose the intensity of your spiritual life. Awareness that this is happening should be the first indicator that the voice you are following is not from God. Mysticism The Matheson Trust. Ignatius of Loyola taught his disciples to distinguish between spirits that produce consolations in the soul and those that produce desolations of the soul. Like sun rays shining through a magnifying glass, the spiritual life needs to be kept in sharp focus if it is to remain intense. This optimum distance is a very precise one and, as it applies to our souls, is one that we each have to discover and maintain for ourselves.

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No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Be careful,or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation. Silence is the best contact point with God, since God is always present, though beyond speech, images, and concepts. Decreto Unitatis Redintegratio - Sobre o Ecumenismo www.

The desert fosters this silence, this emptiness, the letting sanhcez of everything that is not of God. The Seven Circles of Prayer. As we learn to pay more attention to our souls we will be able to more wisely choose which voices to follow. Aspects of Christian meditation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.

Mario Sanchez Nevado Studies

Moving a magnifying glass back or forward, even slightly, will dissipate the rays and weaken their intensity. Awareness that this is happening should be the first indicator that the voice you are following is not from God. Mysticism The Matheson Trust themathesontrust. What are you experiencing in your spirit and what has led you there? It is advice intended for us all—that we not let the many concerns of the day spread our lives out so thin that the concentration of the Spirit would seem to disappear from our souls.

Mysticism The Matheson Trust.

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Santa Teresa - Los conceptos del amor de Dios. In his diagnosis of the effects of desolation Ignatius adds,it is characteristic of the evil spirit to afflict with sadness, to harass with anxiety and to raise obstacles based on false reasoning. The church has handed down to us important wisdom with regards to living the spiritual life.

As we discover the many shades of experience that take place in the course of a day we come to recognize both the good and bad spirits that influence the choices we make. Switch to English sign up.

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Moradas ou Castelo Interior - Teresa de Jesus. Be aware of the daily state of your spiritual passion and watch for signs of it being squandered. Like sun rays shining through a magnifying glass, the spiritual life needs to be kept in sharp focus if it is to remain intense.

Christian University of Prayer. My sheep follow me because they know my voice. The Blessed Passion of Holy Love: Santa Teresa - Las Moradas. Que sofrimento de Tereza durante sua vida e as coisas do mundo Li, mas estou dando uma passada de olhos. A bad spirit produces a souring of the soul. You will know a spirit by its fruit.

Christian University of Prayer pinned post 7 Oct Christian University of Prayer pinned post 8 Oct Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. With the glass held at an optimum jfjum the rays concentrate into a burning light. The disciples were secure while in the presence and proximity of Jesus but He warned them, knowing that He would soon depart, to be careful not to let the fine wine of the Spirit become diluted—watered down by the anxieties and distractions of life.

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